Indebting America’s children for a “fantastic” landmark
I think walls are pretty cool, the Great Wall of China and Hadrian’s Wall are very interesting accomplishments. Both are great historic landmarks and were very expensive ways attempts to protect against military invasions. Given visions of invading immigrants and drug smugglers sneaking across the desert I can understand the appeal of the the refrain we all know:
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
But those walls of the past were built to protect against MILITARY invasion, and they were built well before airplanes. The reality is we want commerce to happen, in fact our capitalist system thrives on it. This means smuggling happens through the air sea or roads where it is far easier to move quantities of merchandise and people. Adding walls simply won’t have much of an effect. So that refrain really is:
Waste That Money!
Waste That Money!
Waste That Money!
But wait that somehow seems incomplete… Oh yeah! I forgot given that we’ve gone from about $700 Billion in 2017 to about $1 Trillion in 2018 WITHOUT spending on the wall. So the full refrain is:
Waste That Money!
Waste That Money!
Waste That Money!
And Who is Going to Pay for It?
A Madman has spoken…. well actually two…