When Mr. Giuliani said “When you say black lives matter, that’s inherently racist,” he is really being an idiot. There are far too many videos capturing cases where black lives are being ended without a clear need. It sickens me to my core that my fellow americans are being treated this way. The deaths of police officers is also sickening, and simply immoral. And in both cases it is a small group of bad apples screwing up the lives of so many people.
The majority of police officers are doing a very difficult job justly and well, and they are a vital part of their communities. Likewise the majority of protesters are trying to bring attention and action to a critical systemic issue peacefully; playing another vital role in the community.
The horrific attack on police officers in Dallas does so much damage. But using it as a potential excuse does all the lost lives a disservice. We must do the hard work to remove racism in policing. And at the same time we must keep our officers safe. Of course it is true #alllives matter but in our society today it is critical to emphasize that #blacklivesmatter and #bluelivesmatter because sadly those lives are most at risk. Recognizing that some lives are more at risk is not racism it is simply not burying your head in the sand.
Somehow all of us need to realize #blackandbluelivesmatter and to work toward the communication, transparency and respect to fight this continuing string to tragedies.