The Evidence is in: All Hail America’s Twithead and Chief : Too scared to call a terrorist a terrorist?

Well President Trump like you I wait for all the evidence to be in, and well now it is.  You are without a doubt America’s Twithead and Chief.  It should have been obvious given your twitter addiction.

But the real proof is when you somehow blamed “both sides” when a shithead white supremacist drove a car into people walking and carrying signs. He killed three Americans and injured several more.  And yes he clearly fell threatened but not by clubs but rather simply that these people believed in a free and equal America for all races.  Clearly he was scared by Americans with a different point of view.

By the way it’s a pretty big clue when David Duke thanks you and strokes your ego.  Maybe you and he should get a room.  Perhaps then he can explain the history of these groups terrorizing your fellow Americans.

We should also call it like it is, driving a car into people to stop them from protesting is terrorism.  So as a reminder in addition to being our twitched and chief you are also president and should protect all Americans from terrorism,  Just so you know this includes protecting black and brown Americans from shithead  white terrorists.  Perhaps you can get your balls back from David Duke and actually do something about this.

A Madman has spoken….

Grow Some Balls : Choosing an American view of Manhood

Troll vs Superhero


It’s been a while, but as a boy growing up in America I understood what manhood was.  For this was a man with real values who followed the golden rule, “do onto others as you would have them do onto you”.  A person who could inspire people to work together and achieve great things.

The ideal American man for me has strong character, who doesn’t shy away from hard work or doing the right thing.  He has the balls to admit when he is wrong (and we’re all wrong at some point).  He seeks and values the truth, even when the truth is different than he desires. He shows respect for everyone, valuing and acknowledging different opinions. All while passionately and respectfully defending his point of view even when his view is not popular.

Today, American manhood doesn’t seem so clear to me.  Sadly I see too many examples of “Trolls” vying for popularity and somehow seen as bastions of manhood. These are are vindictive people simply attacking other points of view for sport. They’re seemingly driven only by a need to attract an audience.  With no regard for truth trolls simply thrive on belittling and bullying those around them.  Trolls trade on rudeness and disrespect to promote the idea anyone who doesn’t agree with them somehow “lesser” and targeted.  Too often the troll takes this to the extreme suggesting their  targets be ignored, locked up or worse.  The easiest way to spot them is the use of name calling.

Most sickening these trolls collect an audience to cheer them on while tearing things down.  And, then defend themselves by labeling any detractors as “Politically Correct”.  Often using this name calling as a battle cry to create even more vindictiveness. Basically stirring up their own audience to shut down any real thought.  The irony of this would be comical except it seems amazingly effective.

To reclaim American manhood we need to ignore the trolls in life. Starve them of the audience they crave.  Support people with the strength to respect their fellow Americans with differing points of view.  We need people with the wisdom to seek out other ideas.  And the balls to seek the truth even if it means admitting sometimes they are wrong.

An American Madman has spoken…