I have to admit some Republican Senators are swinging pretty large sack to release the latest round of “healthcare” legislation. They don’t hide their complete disregard for the average working American one bit, and It’s not clear what they think is an “improvement”.
Case in point the plan will reduce Medicaid and cut Planned Parenthood two ways currently many expecting mothers get prenatal care. With the cuts proposed many won’t be able to afford these services. These are not guaranteed services, they are paid for out of healthcare. So yes this proposed “healthcare” legislation will literally put the health of babies at risk, well at least those of people who can’t afford it. Those of use lucky enough to make more well we are just fine, “Thanks Mitch!”.
We do need to improve healthcare, by this improve means more effectiveness / better outcomes, reduced costs, and covering more Americans. But instead the current plan does nothing to reduce the cost of healthcare that is hurting some many Americans and simply cuts support for far too many working Americans. It’s amazing how much worse their legislation is than the current system.
The newest legislation being discussed in not only immoral it is also stupid.
A Madman has Spoken….