Who owns Trump? Of course Trump would say Trump owns Trump, not beholden to anyone. But as as he has told us his wealth is built on “excellent” deal making. I’m guessing he doesn’t only deal with himself… So the question is who does Trump deal with? Because whoever they are his wealth depends on them.
Given the international reach of his deals Trump’s own wealth could be coming from foreign nations such as China or Russia. In a normal election we as Americans would know more about any candidates dealings via their tax returns. While other candidates have provided their tax returns Trump has continued to withhold his. While tax returns are an important way for too for Americans to know more about him as a candidate he keeps coming up with excuses for not telling us.
I have no way to know if he has something to hide. Or if the fact his wealth depends on other is something he doesn’t want to remind us of. But I’ve been involved in enough deals myself to know when someone avoids sharing information, they think it will hurt them. Without the tax returns we simply don’t know who owns Trump. Maybe we should care…
A Madman has spoken….